Saturday, April 16, 2011

New cage for my ringneck parrots

I bought the male ringneck parrot and to him home with a small temporary cage.
I did not have any cage at home when I bought him. So I planned to buy a cage specially for the wild parrot. I kept the new comer in the tweetys room with the small cage with fruits and a water bowl, for some time. Ringneck had some little amount of water and it poured out all the water from the water bowl. Tweety jumped from his chair, and started going around the cage : )
She was staring at the new ringneck parrots feather and slowly it went near the cage and bitted its tail feather. The new ringneck was fearing very much and started screaming and attacking tweety. Then tweety started climbing over the cage and going around the cage. I took tweety in my hand and went out of that room and kept her in other room, for some time. Next task is to buying a big cage for the new comer. I searched few shops for a decent sized cage. I found a shop finally with a big cages.. I bought one cage with 5 feet height and 3 feet width. I could not fit it inside my cars boot. So I had to hire a small van
to bring the cage to my home. i left the new ringneck parrot inside the new cage, it was able to fly inside the cage properly…
Tweety started climbing around the new cage for some time. And it stared sleeping over the cage…


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