Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ringneck eating habbits

My spike likes fruits very much. She is a big fan of sweet taste…
She even have some vegetables. At morning my mom will prepare me lunch for office .
When she is cutting the vegetable, spike will come near my mom regularly and have some vegetables. Ringneck parrots are smart eaters. It will hold the food in one leg and have the food slowly. The way it drinks the water is also cute…
Ringneck parrots always like to be cleaner. They will clean there feathers regularly.
I always keep a news paper half open below a Z shaped iron chair.
Spike will roam around the room and finally come over the news paper and stay in it.
Like us, Ringneck parrots also find a comfortable place and stays only in the place.
Adult ringneck parrots even fallow time discipline while having food like us.
But the younger ones are play full so proper guidance to be given for there feeding time.
It have a cute characteristic : ) after having food it will clean its beak in such a way that no food particle will remain. Spike likes to chew. So it keeps chewing some harder food stuffs like wheat grains , seeds of fruits wood etc. Ringneck parrots have also a good smelling power. Spike is an expert in sense of smelling. Where ever its playing if any food smell comes, it will come to the spot where the food is placed ..

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