Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Young Ringneck parrot calling technique

Young Tweety is an expert in expression and calling.
it’s a born talent for her. Its way of thinking, is far beyond our imagination.
Tweety always likes to be with me.
Some times, it will sleep in my hand itself.
It will always feel secure, if it is with our family members.
So except the time of sleeping or playing, it will always try to be with us
If Tweety wants to come to me, it will first move in a such a way that it is getting ready to jump. When it does this action, it will not jump. But it will move as though its trying to jump. It will try to do this in many directions. If we look her face you can see the difference. The face expression will be equivalent to the pet dogs happy expression. Pet dogs will move its tail fast and give a smiley facial expression when it sees its owner after a short gap. Ringneck parrots facial expression is more creative and easily differentiable. Imagin a small toy with the size of our mobile phone coming towards us and smiling at us : ) we can get the same expression from the parrots, invite facial expression…..
If we don’t respond to the invitation, then it will flap its wing towards us till we pick her.
Tweety will make small sounds when it start flapping its wings. The flapping will not appear to be flying try. When it flaps the wings it will always hold its fingers very tight to the surface, to avoid take off.
If I still do not pick tweety in my hand, after it flaps its wing. It will raise its voice slowly to the peak… it will calm down and stop the calling sound if I pick her…

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